Update – Driving Abroad – Green Card Document (June 2020)
As of 1st July 2020, The Department for Transport (DfT) has agreed to adopt the change authorised by the Council of Bureaux for Green Cards to be printed using black ink and on ordinary white paper.
In addition, Green Cards can now also be sent electronically to drivers who wish to drive abroad. However, it is important to stress that the document must be printed and electronic versions (e.g. PDF copies on smart phones) will not be accepted by any authorities who require the Green Card to be produced for inspection.
Although the government intends the UK to remain in the Green Card Free Area, it still may be necessary for UK insurers to issue Green Cards to any drivers that wish to travel in Europe after 31st December 2020, if a deal with the EU is not achieved.
To request a Green Card, please contact Underwriting on 0330 024 4699 or email underwriting@sabre.co.uk